What this stack is for ------------------- This stack eliminates a virus called “merryxmas” — a script based virus which spreads itself by appending the Home stack script with additional instructions which in turn infects every stack it comes in contact with. What the virus does ------------------ By design, the virus is intended only to replicate itself in other stacks. The worst it is intended to do is quit (not crash) HyperCard unexpectedly. However, a misspelled function parameter (“hostscipt” vs. “hostscript”) pulls scripts of other stacks into the script of the Home stack. The results can be confusing and frustrating. Requirements ------------ This stack requires HyperCard v2.1. This is to handle System 7 aliases. System 7 is not required. Color monitors will display “status colors.” If you use a compression utility such as AutoDoubler, be sure to have adequate free space on the volume being checked. Stacks have a way of expanding as they are being examined. This stack needs to run unlocked. Don’t worry about it being infected. It is inoculated against attack by key strings at the end of the stack script. What this stack will do --------------------- For a selected stack, folder or entire volume, this stack will peek at the stack scripts (without opening the stacks); and replace the infected scripts sans the virus code. A bonus feature is the option to let it compact those stacks that have free space available for compacting. Don’t worry about locked stacks—this stack will unlock and relock them. How to use this stack ------------------- Step 1. Make a backup of all your stacks, if not your whole drive. Step 2. Open this stack and click the Disinfect button. Step 3. Select the stack, folder or volume you wish to disinfect. To take this stack out for a dry run first, use it to scan a floppy. Locked volumes will be scanned without making changes. The scripts ---------- The code is based on a copy of an infected stack brought to my attention by Ken Dunham at LaGrande Middle School. It was developed on my own time, at home, for use in the public domain. Soapbox ------- Viruses are unworthy creations for such clever and talented people. It is my hope that the author of this virus will realize the destructive impact that pranks like this have in terms of lost time & productivity and finds inspiration for more constructive contributions in the future. Bill Swagerty AOL: Bill DS Internet: bill_swagerty@claris.com Acknowledgements & Version History ---------------------------------- Version 1.4 •Ronald Zellner, Texas A&M University for more comprehensive inoculation strings and for pointing out the virus’ function typo. Good eye Ron! •Added provision for scanning an individual stack or folder. •Enhanced to display colors on monitors set for more than 256 colors. Version 1.3 •To accommodate accidental mutations, the vaccine now removes everything from the virus code on down from the stack script of infected stacks. •Stacks are assumed to be Finder locked if IsFinderLocked fails. Version 1.2 •Mark Johnson for pointing out GetDir’s weakness for names with commas. •Indicator light left red if one or more stacks could not be disinfected. Version 1.1 •Accommodated the way Mac Pluses respond to the MonitorConfig XFCN. Version 1.0 •Ken Dunham; LaGrande Middle School; 1108 4th St; La Grande OR 97850 (503) 963-1954 for bringing the virus to my attention. •Bill Marriott for the straight HyperTalk progress bar as featured in the Claris TechInfo Journal / Winter 1993.